%% This file is part of the OFNTINST project version 0.2.2
%% -------------------------------------------------------
%% It may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
%% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution.
%% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
%% Copyright (C) 2002--2005 by Alexej Kryukov
%% Please report errors to: A.M. Kryukov <basileia@yandex.ru>



\title{The {\tt fontinst} unicode glyphs}
\author{Alexej Kryukov}
\date{05 October 2002\\
Version 0.1}



This document describes the glyphs used by the \textsf{fontinst} package
when generating Unicode fonts.  This file, \texttt{unilatin.mtx}, is intended
for use with normal fonts or with faked small caps fonts generated by
scaling and applying some letterspacing.

This file uses some ideas from cyrillic.mtx, distributed with cyrillic
t2 package. However, it doesn't support Cyrillic letters itself. If
you want to create a Unicode font for Omega with support for Cyrillic
script, load it together with \texttt{cyrillic.mtx}. You will need also 
\texttt{fnstcor.tex} and \texttt{cyralias.tex} files from t2 package.



% \unfakable is a glyph which can't be faked.

      \glyphwarning{missing glyph `#1'}

% A top accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given
% position along the width of the letter, raised up by the difference
% between the height of the letter and the xheight.

% A c&sc top accent glyph is placed using the small glyphs if
% available, and otherwise by shrinking the equivalent capital.

% A capital top accent glyph is placed using the capital version
% of the accent, if available.


% A bottom accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given
% position along the width of the letter.

% A c&sc bot accent glyph is placed using the small glyphs if
% available, and otherwise by shrinking the equivalent capital.

% A capital bot accent glyph is placed using the capital version
% of the accent, if available.


% A c&sc glyph is created by shrinking the cap glyph, and adding extra
% space.


% A c&sc accent is created by moving a shrunk accent up by the
% difference between a scaled X and an unscaled X.


% If a PostScript font contains specially designed capital accents,
% they are usually positioned so that their position corresponds to
% the capital letter height. However, \TeX{} accent positioning engine 
% assumes that the accent as it appears in the font file is properly 
% positioned for a character that is as high as the x-height of the font.
% So we have to move the accent down by the difference between x and X.


\setcommand\uniaccent#1#2#3 {

\setcommand\uniglyph#1#2#3 {
   \csname uni@extra@#3\endcsname{#1}
\expandafter\def\csname uni@extra@*\endcsname#1{

\setcommand\unitopaccentglyph#1#2#3#4#5 {
         \csname unitop@extra@#5\endcsname{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
\expandafter\def\csname unitop@extra@\endcsname#1#2#3#4{
\expandafter\def\csname unitop@extra@*\endcsname#1#2#3#4{

\setcommand\unibotaccentglyph#1#2#3#4#5 {
        \csname unibot@extra@#5\endcsname{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
\expandafter\def\csname unibot@extra@\endcsname#1#2#3#4{
\expandafter\def\csname unibot@extra@*\endcsname#1#2#3#4{

\comment{\section{Default values}}




\comment{We have to specially set the kerning only for
   unfakable glyphs, since usually this operation is
   performed by the \verb|\unitopaccentglyph| and
   \verb|\unibotaccentglyph| commands.}















\comment{\section{All-caps kerning}}


\comment{\section{Unfakable glyphs}}


\comment{\section{Unfakable glyphs from textcomp.mtx}}

\unfakable{openbracketleft}             % faked 8r,8y
\unfakable{openbracketright}            % faked 8r,8y
\unfakable{dagger}                      % 8r,8y
\unfakable{daggerdbl}                   % 8r,8y
\unfakable{perthousand}                 % 8r,8y
\unfakable{bullet}                      % 8r,8y
\unfakable{centigrade}                  % faked 8r,8y
\unfakable{dollaroldstyle}              % 8x (Adobe)
\unfakable{centoldstyle}                % 8x (Adobe)
\unfakable{florin}                      % 8r,8y
\unfakable{colonmonetary}               % 8x (Adobe)
\unfakable{lira}                        % 8x (URW)
\unfakable{trademark}                   % 8r,8y
\unfakable{pertenthousand}              % faked 8x
\unfakable{cent}                        % 8r,8y
\unfakable{yen}                         % 8r,8y
\unfakable{brokenbar}                   % 8r,8y
\unfakable{section}                     % 8r,8y
\unfakable{copyright}                   % 8r,8y
\unfakable{ordfeminine}                 % 8r,8y
\unfakable{logicalnot}                  % 8r,8y
\unfakable{registered}                  % 8r,8y
\unfakable{degree}                      % 8r,8y
\unfakable{plusminus}                   % 8r,8y
\unfakable{twosuperior}                 % 8r,8y
\unfakable{threesuperior}               % 8r,8y
\unfakable{paragraph}                   % 8r,8y
\unfakable{periodcentered}              % 8r,8y
\unfakable{onesuperior}                 % 8r,8y
\unfakable{ordmasculine}                % 8r,8y
\unfakable{onequarter}                  % 8r,8y
\unfakable{onehalf}                     % 8r,8y
\unfakable{threequarters}               % 8r,8y
\unfakable{multiply}                    % 8r,8y
\unfakable{divide}                      % 8r,8y




\comment{\section{ASCII-styled accents}}




\comment{\section{\TeX nical symbols}}








% assumes that 3/4em = 750 and \width{endash} = 500

% assumes that 2/3em = 667 and \width{endash} = 500






\comment{\section{Latin ligatures}}







\comment{\section{Latin letters}}


\comment{\section{Latin accented letters}}




















\comment{\section{Latin accented symbols not present in T1}}

















\comment{\section{All-caps glyphs}}










\comment{\section{Small caps glyphs}}











   \TeX's math accent-positioning requires accents to have zero depth.}


